Monday, October 8, 2012

Tummy Teller Logo

I chose to create my logo in this way because it better emphasized the purpose of using the Tummy Teller product, that if you eat heathy you will feel and be healthy.  All the body parts of my character are types of fruits and vegetable.  I chose the types of foods that I did for my logo because I felt that the colors blended well and it was not too eye popping or overwhelming. Although there are clashing colors, I believe that the logo becomes more distinguishable and the different foods are able to be identified easily.  I created the different foods by doing them all separately and then putting them together.  I viewed other images as a reference to help me look at detail and to draw the images as realistic as I could.   I also think that the text compliments the image of the product as being clean and it stands out.

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